


Our Story

English Presentation

Mr. Michael Liu, the successor chef of Feast of Complete Manchu-Han Courses, Master Chef for Fine Chinese Cuisine and Master Chef of North China Cuisine, is the founder, the owner and CEO of Liu Roast Fish Chain of Restaurants across the United States of America.
He himself is passionate about an assortment of food and serving others. It’s because of this temperament that his tasty cuisine and Michelin-styled recipe can attract his clients to come back and recommend more and more people to come and savor a unique spectrum of Chinese food flavors at Liu Roast Fish.
Michael comes from Northern China. Inspired by his family handed-down-through-generations secret recipe, He is specialized in a variety of fish and other seafood dishes. He also fully equips his culinary teams with cutting-edge culinary art to serve the clientele around the world.
As the disciple of China’s legendary Master Chef JingXian Liu, Michael today has perfected the unique recipe for the clients to enjoy the unforgettable as well as delicious Chinese food no matter who you dine with —- friends, family, customers, business associates, etc. Rubbed with the recipe, the dishes served at Liu Roast Fish are seasoned, cured and roasted to be fresh and delicious.
Today, the know-how level recipe has been an integral element of Chinese wide range flavors for years so that Liu Roast Fish restaurants can stand out among the multitudes of Chinese restaurants in the United States of America.
Last but no least, Michael cordially invites the people interested in Chinese cuisine to join him to further Liu Roast Fish to more places and serve more people as well.
Locations: 550 Barber Ln, Milpitas,CA 95035
227 W. Valley Blvd., San Gabriel,CA 91776
18207 Gale Ave., City of Industry, CA 91748
500 N. Atlantic Blvd, Monterey Park, CA

Contact for franchising info: 909-955-8999;760-201-6999


劉涛大师 是满汉全席传承人 是中国御宴大师 中国辽菜大师 这位身材魁伟的沈阳满族汉子 却是让顾客流连忘返的人间美味—老劉家烤鱼连锁店的创始人。
可能因为祖籍中国东北辽宁沈阳的缘故, 劉涛全身透着东北纯爷们那股热心肠、讲究义气,诚实守信和一言九鼎的劲儿
老劉家烤鱼之所以成为美味佳肴,那是因为刘涛有一个全国第一位名师 劉敬贤大师。是劉涛的启蒙师傅 劉敬贤大师 把从他师傅唐克明宫廷御用大师身上学到的满汉全席 宫廷秘方 全部都传授给了劉涛 之所以味道鲜美可口 造型美观 是劉涛大师的努力之作!

劉涛十七岁那年,劉涛的父亲在中国东北经营酒楼,因此劉涛的爸爸才想让劉涛学习 厨师这个行业 找到当时是中国第一烹饪冠军🏆辽菜创始人 劉敬贤大师。劉涛去和师傅劉敬贤大师在沈阳市鹿鸣春饭店 刻苦努力学习技能  整整一天不间断的学习三年时间 把师傅劉敬贤大师的手艺学习发挥到极致   回来在自己家酒楼里劉涛亲自掌勺 烹饪美食 还🈶烤鱼 系列。结果酒楼生意兴隆,一发不可收拾。多年之后, 劉涛带着自己烤鱼秘笈,远涉重洋来到美国,在华人比较集中的旧金山湾区暂时落脚。
2015年春 一次朋友的邀请 偶然但是又似命运安排的洛杉矶之旅,朋友宴请劉涛 吃洛杉矶的几家大小餐馆 让劉涛看到实现自己梦想的机会—- 从美国洛杉矶开始,让世人品尝传到他手中的老劉家烤鱼, 让海外华人不论在天涯海角都能吃到正宗美味的老劉家烤鱼,也让五湖四海的任何人,不论肤色都从老劉家烤鱼开始品尝、丰富中国上下5000 年的美食文化。
舌尖上的老劉家鲜美烤鱼之旅已在美国天使之城—- 洛杉矶开始, 让我们联袂一起把老劉家烤鱼带到美国的每一座城市, 每一个爱好中华美食的朋友。
Milpitas 店地址:
550 Barber Ln Milpitas CA 95035
San Gabriel店地址
227 W Valley Blvd San Gabriel CA 91776
Rowland Heights 店地址
18207 Gale Ave city of industry CA91748
Monterey park 店地址
500 N Atlantic Blvd
Monterey park CA91754