Liu Roast Fish

Welcome to our restaurant! Come and try our dishes!

About Us

Mr. Michael Liu, the owner and CEO of Liu Roast Fish Chain of Restaurants

Mr. Michael Liu, the successor chef of Feast of Complete Manchu-Han Courses, Master Chef for Fine Chinese Cuisine and Master Chef of North China Cuisine, is the founder, the owner and CEO of Liu Roast Fish Chain of Restaurants across the United States of America.

劉涛大师 是满汉全席传承人 是中国御宴大师 中国辽菜大师 这位身材魁伟的沈阳满族汉子 却是让顾客流连忘返的人间美味—老劉家烤鱼连锁店的创始人。

Contact Us

11:45 AM - 11:00 PM
11:45 AM - 10:30 PM